Chris followed up,

| I'll consider myself chastised for my ignorance about pre-recorded MDs and 
| their SCMS setting and I thank you, David, for setting me straight.  

Please don't feel chastised.  Upbraiding you was not part of the plan at all;
I couldn't resist the puns but they weren't intended as chastisement.  For
all I knew you might have been talking about something other than SCMS, and
I didn't want to rely on assumption.

In my nearly five years on this list and its predecessor, I can't remember
anyone's reporting a premastered MD where SCMS was set for unlimited digital
copying nor for no digital copying.  On the other hand, all three settings
have appeared on retail CDs.

| Personally, though, I still probably wouldn't buy pre-rec MDs.

Nor would most of us.  Usually the CD costs the same or less and is easier to
find.  With blank MDs so relatively inexpensive nowadays (compared to their
prices a few years ago), it's a bargain to have the original CD with larger,
easier-to-read artwork and liner notes, playable wherever there's a CD
player, plus an editable copy on one's own MD.

I own four premastered MDs, for the following reasons, none purchased since

1. The first day I bought an MD unit I wanted to try playing before I tried
   recording.  The CD would have been $3 less; ouch.
2. A song I'd been looking for and not found on CD turned up on a prerec MD.
3-4. A two-disc set was $2 less on MD than on CD.

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