On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, PrinceGaz wrote:

> In what was admittedly a v.quick test under less than ideal conditions,
> obviously an analogue stereo to stereo remained so, while all the other
> analogue recordings were a mix of the left and right channels.  There
> was no measurable difference in the recording level whether I used the
> amp or the MD to do the mono conversion, from the overall level of the
> stereo analogue recording.  Whether the MD doing the mono bit supressed
> higher frequencies I cannot tell, at least not while my PC is sitting
> turned on here with me!

If the stereo signals are being mixed to produce the mono one for analogue
recordings only, I assume they are being combined before going through the
MD's ADC, in which case the volume loss should not happen anyway (assuming
identical stereo input channels).

Has anybody managed to reproduce my experiment yet?  I hope that somebody
does otherwise there might be a fault with my JE520, which is out of
warranty (expired 9 months ago).


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