Stories wrote,

| data clearly shows the Track number, index no. & time (to the nearest
| second) so the SPDIF signal must be carring track/time info.

We knew that the track number was in there, because a recorder will mark a
new track when nothing else except the track number changes.  But if the
there are no changes in the track number (as when a soundcard is outputting
a series of .wav or .mp3 files) the recorder will usually not mark a new 

Manuals for some of the MD recorders I've had have stated that if one plays
tracks with the same number from different MDs or CDs, the recorder may fail
to mark a new track between them; the source track number is the chief indi-
cator, given that the track start bit in P-channel is not sent, of when an
MD recorder should start a new track during a digital transfer.

I have noticed this: if you are recording from CD to MD and you keep a single
CD track repeating, the MD recorder marks tracks with no trouble.  If you are
recording from MD to MD and the source unit keeps repeating one MD track, the
recorder does not mark tracks.  This could be because of different behavior
depending on the source device code; or it could be because CDs usually go
out-of-track between tracks while MDs do not (and cannot); or it could be
because of something in the S/PDIF signal while the CD player is reposi-
tioning to the start of the track, an interstice not experienced in the
signal from an MD because the source MD unit uses its read-ahead buffer to
go smoothly from the end of the track back to the beginning.  (Guess I should
try it with some CDs that don't go out-of-track now that I can.)

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