We now have a brand new store on Buy It Online !

For every New Buy It Online only, there is a big promotion price for any
order of $25 and more...

Yes, for New Customer only, you can take advantage on your first order of
$10 OFF for any $25 ORDER. And, what is great too, is that every order on
Buy It Online is FREE SHIPPING (the price you see is the price you pay !).

Simply click on this link to have the rebate coupons of $10 OFF on every $25


After, simply visit our Buy It Online store at :


As easy as this !

Also, on every order, I give you one FREE Techno Color 74mn Minidisc.

This is a list of price you will pay (after the $10 coupon) :

15 Red Minidisc + 1 Techno MD (16 MD)          :$21.50 ($1.34 each MD)
15 Clear MD + 1 Techno MD (16 MD)              :$22.50 ($1.40 each MD)
15 Colors (5) MD + 1 Techno MD (16 MD)         :$25.00 ($1.56 each MD)
10 Colors MD + Case + 1 Techno MD(11 MD + Case):$15.00 ($1.36 each MD)
15 Techno MD + 1 Techno MD (16 MD)             :$26.00 ($1.62 each MD)
10-74mn + 5-80mn + 1 Techno MD (16 MD)         :$25.50 ($1.59 each MD)
10 Colors 80mn MD + 1 Techno MD (11 MD)        :$18.50 ($1.68 each MD)
8 Pack Sony + Case + 1 Techno MD (9 MD + Case) :$15.00 ($1.67 each MD)

And a lot more products, such storage case, MD Towers, CD-R !

This offer is for New Buy It Online Customer only !
One coupon per customer and per Household !

Best Regards,


Pierre Forest - Kheops Minidisc Owner

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