> Larry, I completely agree with most of what you wrote about valuable
> professions not being paid what they're actually worth.

Dan, if I gave the impression that artists should not be paid for their work,
that is not what I meant to say.  But do artists deserve the payments that
they receive while our children are getting inferior education's because we
will pay Metalash!t millions of dollars a year and pay a great teacher $30
thousand if they are lucky?

As far as sports go, I have no interest in sports at all and do not think
that these people deserve to be paid very much for "playing".

Most athletes do not have to work that hard to accomplish what they do.  They
are simply using God given gifts that come naturally to them.  I feel much
differently about artists of any kind.

Like everything else, you have to have the God given skills to be an artist.
But being an artist, is much harder.  Requires much more effort, time and
work to accomplish what they did.

My nephew was a video major.  One day we were talking about something and
somehow he mentioned how he felt that "Shidler's List" was the best movie he
ever saw.  I'm don't know it is # one, but it would be hard to argue that it
was brilliant.  Not just Spielberg, but Neeson and many other people.

You don't get results like that without, in addition to the talents God gave
you, really feeling and working at what you are doing.

Can we really call the Spice girls "Artists"???  I won't waste an MD on
them.  Maybe if they wanted to some of their other talents.........never

One last thing.   I chose the term "God  Given", as a generic term.  I'm not
a some kind of religious fanatic that goes around mentioning God in every
sentence.  Perhaps nature's given gifts.


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