Hi.  I don't know about all of  the following, but I'm the dude who
wrote the thing on gun control.  I really don't know how it ended up on
the MD list??

Doesn't George W. Bush have this scary look on his face?  It's across
between extremely mean and f~cken stupid!!!

I like to think of him as the Dale Quale (SP?-well I'm dyslexic, what's
his excuse?) of presidential nominees.

It not so much that I am really excited about Gore (I think he will
probably do fine-we know he likes having sex with is own wife-he
practically raped her on the podium when he got the nomination<lol>) and
not someone else's.

The debates will be the key.  We will have to wait and see.  But I have
a feeling that GWB is not a really bright fellow.  I think that Gore is.

I don't think that GWB calling someone an A hole (when he didn't know
the mikes were on) help his chances any.  I think it was a New York
Times reporter.  Not the best person to piss off when you are running
for office.

The most important thing is has either of them ever used a Mini Disc??
I'll take back some of what I said bad about Bush if he did and Gore did
not <G>.

Lieberman may have.  I don't think Cheney would even know how to insert
it in the unit.


James Jarvie wrote:

> > Let someone do to him what happened to expresident
> > Reagan's press secretary,
> > Brady and watch how fast (just like Brady's)
> > political convictions change!  I
> > think that everyone who has some strong political
> > convection, should be put in
> > the possession of a person who is affected by they
> > that political decision.
> Also, in many of the movies being released today, the
> nudity is the only redeeming quality.

OK call me a pervert, but I like looking at naked women and even "doing
it".  So I don't have any problem with it in most movies.

> Anyway, I like your idea of a MD being provided to all
> at birth; except I think it should be at a slightly
> later age, as a rite of passage...say maybe upon
> beginning first grade.

> Don't think I wrote that.  But  may have since you have it out of
> context.


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