"J. Coon" wrote:

>        "Jeffrey E. Salzberg" wrote:
> >
> > > Oh, please, let's not start that again...
> > >
> > > From the Internet Movie Database:
> >
> > If having a lot of credits is indicative of artistic worth, then
> > Chuck Norris is a great actor.
> >
> > Hint: Chuck Norris is *not* a great actor.
> WHAT????? Blasphemy!!!!!

Guys, you are supposed to at least make an attempt to tie this stuff in
with MD <G>.  Does anyone know if Chuck Norris owes a mini disc
recorder?  I'll bet Mike Myers has one :).

There are so many ways to measure the talent of an individual.  My son
is an actor (no you haven't seen him on TV or in any movies, but he has
done summer stock-he's basically a stage actor and teaches theater at a
fancy college prep school).

If large numbers of people find Chuck Norris movies (and his TV show)
entertaining, then while he may technically not be a "good" actor, it
does have the talent to entertain.  I have seen him in a lot of movies
that I really enjoyed (even if I didn't walk away learning the meaning
of life from them).

As for Mike Myers.  It's not just his comedic acting ability (btw, I
confused Myer's with Dana Carvey-Carvey did church lady, sorry) but his
writing and general creative talent.  Myer's has created several

Austin Powers (which by the way I was very disappointed in.  I really
didn't see what all of the fuss was about (Give me "Blazing Saddles" any
day) is probably almost as well know as James Bond.

Larry (who is copying his new Kingston Trio CDs to MD as we speak)

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