I asked,

T> What I'm wondering is whether, if you turn manual end search off (which I 
T> guess can be seen as turning automatic end searching on), does the old 
T> shortcut to track 1 on Sony portables (END SEARCH, PLAY, STOP, PLAY if I 
T> remember right) still work?

Ed answered,

H> Yes it does.

Thank you.

H> I accidentally made an interesting discovery last night. It is possible 
H> to record as both standard MD and LP2 on the same disc. I suspect that 
H> it's possible to mix any number of modes on the same disc. You just can't 
H> remove the track mark between tracks with different modes.

That's in the MDLP FAQ, I believe.  It's the same as with SP mono and SP
stereo: tracks in different modes can coexist on the same disc, but you can't
combine them.

H> I also noticed that the recorder remembers the last recording mode used. 
H> Last night I recorded a rehearsal using LP2. Now, even if I change the 
H> disc, it retains the LP2 mode. I suspect this is also true of the other 
H> modes as well.

Now *that's* new.  Sony portables traditionally lose the recording mode and
revert to stereo as soon as you press STOP if you had been recording in mono.

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