James Jarvie wrote:
.....Peter posts too much spam vs. I'm grateful for Peter's offers, I
think everyone is missing a point that is obvious to me:

> Peter includes the complete text of what he is
> replying to

> (others do this too)

I always try to go out of my way to fully edit my replies.  I think that
everyone (including Rick W) should try as hard as possible to do this
too.  I don't care how busy you are.  We are all busy.  Edit.

> The most annoying thing about Peter's posts... is having to scroll
> through all that stuff that we have already read.

That's a very good point!

> By the way, I have been very happy with Peter's prices
> and service.  I recommend everyone who might want to
> take advantage of his offers to sign up for his
> mailing list.  It is worth the time, and should reduce
> the posts/adverts.

I agree fully.  Peter offers good and fast service.


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