          = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
          =     be more selective when quoting text         =

PrinceGaz wrote:
> It has now just gone ridiculous, I personally feel the best solution
> is that he gives a one or two-line footer about Kheops Minidisc and
> how to join their mailing list.  This may be included at the end of
> every post he sends provided the post is not just an excuse to send
> the footer, and no more than once a month a plain advertisment of his
> company.  That shouldn't offend anyone, will let new peeps know about
> his offers and keep the peace.
>  ___ ____________________________________________________________ ___
> |   |                                                            |   |
> | o |============================================================| o |
> |   |          Gareth Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   |
> | o |------------------------------------------------------------| o |
> |   |  _____                                 _____               |   |
> | o | |  __ \  ____  _  _____  ____  _____  /  ___| _____  ____  | O |
> |   | | |__| )|  __)(_)|  _  \|  __)|  _  \ | |  _ (____ \|__  / |   |
> | o | |  ___/ | /   | || | | || |   | |_| | | | \ |/  _  | / _/  | O |
> |   | | |     | |   | || | | || |__ | ____/ | |_| || |_| |/ /__  |   |
> | o | |_|     |_|   |_||_| |_||____)|_____) \_____/|_____||____| | O |
> |   |                                                            |   |
> | o |------------------------------------------------------------| o |
> |   |   ICQ: 36892193  http://website.lineone.net/~princegaz/    |   |
> | o |                                                            | o |
> |   |            "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"            |   |
> | o |============================================================| o |
> |___|____________________________________________________________|___|

That's ironic... the guy with an 18-line, nearly full-page sig
suggesting a 1- or 2-line footer.  Heheh. ;)


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