On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Peter Forest wrote:

> I don't want and need another mailing list only for coupons...
> Also, I don't think that MD user of this list will want to subscribe to
> another list...

Peter, your arrogance isn't helping you by any means. Furthermore, somehow
I doubt I'm the only to conclude that what you said above is not something
for you to decide nor choose.

> I will do the advertisement like everyone told me to do it... With a short
> title and a brief message with the coupons or discounts informations...

No. "Everyone" didn't tell you to do it with a title and brief message.
Again, this isn't something you can choose, despite what you want to do
and think. 

> Peter. (without signature and quotes for Albert and friends...)

Trolling isn't going to help either. You're digging deeper and deeper..


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