Yesterday it occurred to me that all of this arguing about how close an
MD copy comes to the original CD misses the point.

MDs should not (in my humble opinion) be considered substitutes for
CDs.  Unless you want constantly buy CDs only to make MD copies of
(since prerecorded MDs are rare) and then sell the CDs at a loss, it
makes no sense to play MDs in an expensive home system while their
original CD sits on the shelf.

If the CD is available, play the CD.  The beauty of the MD is that it
has sound quality almost as good as and possibly, to the human ear, as
good as, a CD.  While being smaller, better protected, etc.

It is the ideal very high quality portable music medium.  Use it in your
car, jog with it.   Sure you can buy an expensive deck.  Great for
making the highest quality MD copies and titling, but why play back the
MD on your $10,000 stereo unit?  Play the original CD.

You want a copy so you can listen while your wife uses her copy of the
CD in another room, that's what so called CD burners are for.  Their
prices have dropped way down, as did the price of CDRs.

So wanting an extra copy of a CD is no longer the reason for copying it
on to Md.  Portability is the answer.  With all of the other noise in
your car, or while you are jogging with a pair of (even if they are very
high quality) headphones, you are still not going to have the sound
quality of a listening room designed specifically for audio.  So don't
go crazy trying to argue about whether an MD copy is just as good as a

It's MUCH better than tape!


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