Jeanmougin wrote,

| In the normal (SP) mode, you record 60, 74 and 80 minutes of stereo music.
| You also have a LP mode that doubles the record capacity but the sound is
| monaural not stereo.


| New MD products have normal mode, mono LP mode and MDLP.

It is not a good idea to call the regular mono mode "LP".  That not only con-
fuses it with LP2 and LP4 but moreover it is misleading about the bit rate
and misrepresentative of the way the mode is marked in the TOC.  Furthermore,
it implies that non-LP units wouldn't support regular mono, while in fact
nearly all of them do.

The regular mono mode is part of SP.  It doubles the capacity by using two
channels' space for one monaural channel at the same bit rate as SP stereo.

SP mono could be called "EP"; it is the extended-play form of SP, just as LP4
is the extended-play form of LP.  The regular-play counterparts are SP stereo
and LP2, respectively, and their bit settings in the status word reflect that: 
bit 2 is on for SP and off for LP, while bit 1 is on for regular play and off
for extended play.  So, if pre-emphasis is off and thus bit 0 is off, the low
byte of the status word will be 6 for SP stereo, 4 for SP mono, 2 for LP2,
and 0 for LP4.  (Bit 3 is always 0.)

| You also have a LP mode that doubles the record capacity but the sound is
| monaural not stereo.

No, you also have an SP mono mode that doubles the recording capacity.

| New MD products have normal mode, mono LP mode and MDLP.

No, new MD products have SP stereo, SP mono, LP2, and LP4 modes.  Mono is not

| The "normal" or SP mode encodes music at 292 kbp/s.

SP mono is also at 292 kb/s; again, it should not be called "LP".

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