On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Jaques, Yves (FIDI) wrote:


> If I use a phantom-powered mono XLR mic, and attach a plug to convert it
> from XLR to stereo mini-plug,

> will it work? 

        Probably don't. AFAIK the stereo connector for a MD minijack is
unbalanced: L R and ground. 

The three wires of a XLR connectors are ground, signal+ and signal- for a 
balanced signal.

        There are two ways of achieving what you want:

The pretty one: use a external box for suplying phantom power to the mic,
and convert the signal from mic, balanced to line unbalanced. They usually
supply roll-off filters and the like also...

The ugly? one: you can always convert a balanced signal to unbalanced if
you shorcircuit ground and signal-. Theoretically, if you solder signal+
to the tip and intermediate ring of a minijack, join signal- and ground
and solder it to the ring, that will do the trick. What I don't see clear
is what happen with phantom power, or if you will still be able to supply
power to the mic. I'd bet yes, but don't believe me... 

        I wouldn't try, specially w/ expensive equipment (MD), without
reading a confirmation from someone here first... ;) 

Francisco J. Montilla - System & Network admin - Seville - Spain
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