"Francisco J. Huerta" wrote:
> With all due respect, don't you think this paragraph has discredited your
> entire post? Wouldn't it be easier to bring back Bach from the dead?

Having done neither, I don't know which one would be  easier.  But I did
say that it was "pure sci-fi"  the "fi" meaning fiction.  I take fiction
to mean "not true."  I was merely presenting a hypothetical situation. 
Sure I said it could be possible, but lots of things could be possible. 
And as Arthur C. Clarke says "any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."

As for discrediting my entire post, I don't think that there is any one
statement I could make that would discredit my ENTIRE post.  Each
statement stands or falls on its own merit and/or context.  Now if I had
said that I had a letter from George Washington (of First President of
the United States fame, for those of you living in Utah) and said that
it was written while he was taking the train from Baltimore to Ohio,
that just might discredit my entire post.  But a throwaway line about a
speculative future technology that I specifically say is sci-fi, doesn't
discredit anything.

Sorry for the lack of MD content.

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