On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:09:20 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  The EX in DD was not developed exclusively by Dolby. THX was the
>  technology provider. They developed this new sound format for The Fandom
>  (sorry, Phantom) Menace. THX is part of George Lucas' empire, so  they
>  enough clout to get the format accepted.

Nevertheless, Dolby "own" that sound format, and correctly it is DD-EX (I'm
abbreviating there, but you get my point).

>  They even went as far as to tell
>  every theater operator that in order to get TPM, they would need to
>  THX-EX.

My point, though, being that the THX angle is merely the certification
process that the kit must be accredited for, to claim the standard. The
sound format is a Dolby Digital derivative.

>  So a receiver must have a THX certification in order to be DD-EX. If
>  not, then the receiver is using a propietary decoding technique (such as
>  what Yamaha has been doing) and the results won't necessarily be similar
>  DD-EX.

And much of that is true - but for normal (ie domestic) receivers, the THX
thing is a little diluted (it really is intended for theater

Dolby Digital EX being the sound format - it needn't necessarily be THX
certified to support the format - as indeed many decoders / receivers / amps
that currently support DD and DTS aren't.

>  DTS-ES is something different. There are three flavors: matrixed 3.2:1 (3
>  discrete channels, two matrixed surrounds that produce 1 center channel)
>  discrete 6.1, and Neo 6.1, which is a propietary surround processor for
>  music. Being the copycats DTS usually are, they are simply lagging behind
>  Dolby Technologies.

Isn't there a 7.1 implementation for DTS now, or is that DD?

And in some ways, DTS, sound-wise, isn't particularly lagging behind DD -
probably one of the main reasons why many DTS DVDs are perceived to have
better soundtracks, being less compression over the DD equivalents.


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