Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> It is certification.  But is is also specifications.  There is a separate
> setting on my THX receiver.  I think this setting sets a certain EQ.  Now this
> EQ can be set (if you know what it is) by the use of any equilizer.  It is not
> unique to THX but must exist in it's specifications.

As far as the rest of the specifications go, there is no question that you can
buy equipment that is not THX certified but will exceed the THX specifications.
Then why aren't this THX certified??  Because THX is among other things another
way for George to make money.

If you look at Lucas's track record, he really hasn't done so well in the hit
movie business.  His Industrial Lights and Magic are probably more profitable
than many of his movies have been.  For every Star Wars he has had 10 dogs.  I
don't seem to remember "Look at Life (1965)", "1:42:08: A Man and His Car
(1966)", "THX 1138:4EB (1967)" (well that's here the THX comes from I guess) etc.

American Graffiti and Star Wars (and anything anyone does with Spielberg, like

I used to ponder whether Spielberg was so over rated.  You know a bunch of cutsie
movies that made a lot of money.  But ever since Shindler's list I've shut my

I wonder if Lucas owns a Mini Disc recorder?  The way I look it it, if he isn't
into the format, we can discount him straight out.


> "THX Certification" has exactly as much meaning as "Microsoft Certified
> Software Engineer" or "Novell Certified Engineer".  It means it passed a
> test.  That's *IT*.

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