Larry wrote:

> All those ones and zeros are just feeble attempts to simulate a wave.
> Maybe we have been going the wrong way.  All of this digital crap.
> maybe we should have been concentrating on ways to faithfully reproduce
> waves.

I couldn't agree more. All we need is some noiseless ultra-sensitive analog
storage's that easy! :) I thought I had heard sometime that
laserdiscs used analog audio, is this true? If so, how's the quality?

My thoughts on SACD are that, technically speaking, it is the superior new
audio format. Plus, for whatever reason, DVDA and HDCD just leave a bad
taste in my mouth. Of course, people tend to buy into whatever seems best,
and since Microsoft acquired Pacific Microsonics I bet they will try their
best to force consumers into needing HDCD like they've done with all their
products. I for one hope SACD wins out.

Not that this has anything to do with Minidiscs.

- John

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