These questions are pretty basic, and are probably already covered
somewhere at or in the archives, but I can't for the life of
me find them. So here goes. I've decided that I need a (relatively)
inexpensive, compact, high-quality sound recorder for audio  for my short
films. (my video camera has no mic jack) MD looks like the way to go,
though I still have a few queries (applying to the Sony MZR70

* A salesperson told me that you can listen to what you're recording using
headphones. That's a great feature. Is it true?

* I will need to download the audio to my computer for sync with visuals
and post-production tinkering. Is this possible? I have a relatively new
computer (PII) and a soundcard (audio sonique, I believe). What cables or
adaptors will I be needing?

* I'll be needing both an omni and unidirectional mic. Is it worth buying
the standard Sony MD mics (not sure of code but retail for about A$150)?
Will many other mics connect to the unit?

I really appreciate the help, and please forgive the newbieness of these
questions, its just that salespeople no helpy :(

Paul McDonald

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