From: "las" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>You are fairly new to the list so you probably didn't see the article that
was posted here a few years ago where he totally trashed MDs claiming they
were inferior to Dolby C cassettes. All you have to do is read some of his
articles and if you know anything, you start to say to yourself, "how'd this
guy ever get a job as
an "expert"

True, I am new to the list. However, I am a LONG time reader of a number of
audio mags, both pro and home oriented. I have been reading Stereo Review
(now Sound & Vision) since the 70's and am VERY familiar with Ken Pohlman's
work. And I fail to see how Ken's having an opinion that differs from yours,
however radically, makes him an asshole.

Don C.

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