When I asked,

> Otherwise, would anyone else be able to switch the disc for you?

John answered,

| My wife ... but I'd be asking for a domestic dispute! <g>

Switching discs some time during the day you're gone is too much to ask?
Sounds as though you're already deep in a domestic dispute over something
else.  If getting her to move the rec-off-play selector to OFF and turn the
timer on so that she can eject the disc and then turn the timer off again and
move the selectro back to REC so that it can come on when the show starts is
too much, try this: set it to turn off three minutes before the show starts
and on again one minute later (two minutes before the show starts, in case it
begins early).  Then there will be power to the deck almost all day long. 
Yes, each disc will fill to 2h41m58s, but you don't have to listen to what
comes after the show you want to hear.  All she'll need to do is eject the
first disc and insert the second one within about 21h30m after the first disc
fills and the deck stops.  She won't have to move the rec-off-play selector
even once.

| Using both recorders seems to be a soln provided the timers can be
| programmed by days.  But alas, it is a 24 hour timer only.  $26 at RS.  The
| other timers I have seen (tho I have not looked in several years) are in
| the $100 range.

Radio Shack, when I looked, had a 24-hour, 1-event timer for $24.95 and a
7-day, 6-event timer for $29.95.  I bought two of the latter for the two
decks I had at the time.  One got physically damaged in use (prongs bent)
so I replaced it with a 7-day, 14-event Intermatic timer from Home Depot.

| It's looking more a more like an LP4 player is the more elegant soln.

In the long run, yes, but I've a feeling you won't be able to get one in time
for this particular trip.  This one time, maybe it's not so bad to copy the
LP4 recording made in the 940 to two discs in SP mono.  Yes, it takes four
hours, but you don't have to sit there and twiddle your thumbs the whole
time.  You can program the 940 to play the first track, do other things for
just over two hours, switch discs in the R50, put the 940 back into continue
mode and start play from the beginning of the second track.  (Or instead of
using program play to make it stop after track 1, you could just put the 940
into Auto-Pause.  Or you could copy track 2, delete track 2 when you come
back to switch discs in the R50, and then play track 1.)

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