sounds like you're recording from md to computer with an analog connection,
and the hiss is coming in there. if you used a home md deck with digital
output, & went into the computer on a digital input (which probably means
you'd need a new soundcard) i suspect this wouldn't happen.

a simpler (cheaper) solution would be to do the edits AFTER you transfer to
computer, in (e.g.) goldwave (if you have a pc). your edited WAV files will
then fade to dead silence.


On  1 Mar 01,  4:37AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am a regular reader of the MD list, but have never seen this particular
> problem discussed.  When I record individual tracks to MD from LPs or CDs
> in analog mode and fade them out manually at the end of the track
> (leaving a few seconds between each cut)  the silence between tracks is
> absolutely silent and the transition is smooth.  When I load the MD to my
> computer (using Adaptec CD Creator 4 Deluxe) and then burn a CD there is
> a hiss between tunes that isn't on the MD.  If   If I transfer the MD 
> one track at a time into CD Creator and let the program put the silence
> between the tracks it will go to dead silence, but it is an abrupt cutoff
> rather than a smooth fade to silence - almost like you flipped a switch
> rather than did a volume fade.  Does this explanation make any sense to
> anyone?  I've heard this same type of thing on commercial discs, so the
> "big guys" have the same problem, but I've always blamed it on sloppy
> editing on their part.  When I do a direct CD-CD copy using the Adaptec
> software the results are always the same as the original disc, so I know
> it's not my computer.  Anybody out there have any thoughts?

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