On Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 06:30:08PM +0000, Chad Gombosi wrote:
> This is because of the fact despite what the "digital revolution" has 
> brainwashed us into thinking, sound, in general, is analogue, and there is 
> nothing you can do about it. The instruments you listen to, the singers 
> voice, the speakers you listen to them with, your ears, the air the sound 
> travels through, all function in an analouge nature. The only thing that is 
> digital is the CD/MD/DVD whatever,and that is only to stop degrading of the 
> signal, which is does on a way, while in another way it kind of destroys it.

I'd really like to see our technology advances used to record in
an analog medium.  You would think we'd eventually stop trying to
represent something analog with a digital approximation.  Hopefully
we'll see some of this in the future, but who knows.

SACD is *sort of* like analog in that it samples durations, but
it still uses a number to approximate a waveform.  It's by far
the digital recording method that can come closest to
representing a square wave.

If we applied our advances to recording to an analog medium with
the permanent-ness of digital medium we could all be happy with
the sound if not the bandwidth required to store it.

I've been using MD for just shy of 3 years, and I'm actually
finding myself considering stopping using it.  I was keen on MP3
for a while, but I began to hear the compression artifacts all
the time.  I can't stand it, now.  Lately I've been finding
myself listening to CDs instead of MD (even in the car) because I
perceive that I hear differences.  MD's ability to do mix
recordings will probably mean I don't give it up until there's a
suitably convenient alternative that doesn't throw away data.

I just hope my friends with tube amps and audiophile equipment
don't get me buying vinyl.  :)


matthew c. mead

mmead (at at at) goof (dot dot dot) com (you know what to do to email me)
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