Steve Corey wrote,

| If you record one track on a MD all the way through, then you have a TOC
| that spans the whole disc.  Record a few discs like that.
| Now go to a show and start recording with one of those discs.  At about
| 60 min into the show, you realize the band is in one of those extended
| jams that's going to last for at least another half hour.  You wait
| until the last possible moment (74:59) pop out the disc, and shove
| another one in and continue recording.  Since the disc already had a
| TOC, and it didn't get a chance to update anything, the disc should be
| OK.  And you've lost the minimal amount of the show by not having to
| wait for the TOC to be written.

Absolutely ... assuming you can eject the disc before the TOC write is

| Again, this is all theory and one of these days I'll try it.

It would work.

| But if it works, I think that it makes End Search a Good Thing.

No, it doesn't.  On a Sharp portable, which has automatic end searching, you
can do the exact same thing; just insert a full disc, press PAUSE to make it
pause at the start of the prewritten track 1, and then go into record.  It
will overwrite just the same as a Sony portable does if you don't press its
END SEARCH button.  You can get the best of both worlds.

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