Lion Shmulevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have Aiwa HP-V061 ear buds and I think they are ok. I want to buy 
>the best ear buds for discman\MD . I want to hear the perfect sound 
>and a deep bass. I listen to a lot of Trance music and that's why I 
>need a good quality buds. Also I would like to know the prices for 
>please help me.

LOL, it seems like this is the fourth time in the past week or two this 
discussion has come up.

There is rarely "agreement" on headphones, but there is a general 
consensus on the following hierarchy of earbuds:

1) Etymotics ER4S or ER4P (S for use with a headphone amp, P for use 
directly from a portable). Not only the best earbud available, but one of 
the best headphones of any design. $269

2) Sony MDR-E888. Not nearly as good as the Etymotics, but clearly better 
than anything else. $69

3) A close race: Sony EX70 (around $35) and Sennheiser MX500 ($20). The 
EX70 has much better isolation (more of a "plug" type) and better bass, 
but the Sennheiser supposedly has better overall sound (but no isolation).

These phones cover most price ranges and, IMHO, there is no reason to buy 
anything else. Stay away from Koss' "The Plug" which sound simply 
terrible compared to the earbuds listed above.

Also, you may want to consider Koss KSC/35 instead of earbuds -- for 
$20-$30 you'll get better sound than any earbuds but they Etymotics. They 
clip onto each ear, so they're sort of in between earbuds and standard 
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