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i reply to one of these about every six months or so and it normally goes
like this.  most of these products are pretty much vaporware, and if they
ever do make it to market it's extremely unlikely they will be extremely
popular unless they are supported by either sony/pioneer/other.  my point is
that about 6 months ago something similar was brought up but that one i
think was supposed to hold 1.5gig of data and replace everything and be
better than sliced bread.  about 6 months before that it was only 700 meg
but was smaller.  ya know what i've yet to actually see one of these things.
that's pretty much my point.

----- Original Message -----
From: "payvand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Dataplay Digital Format??

> On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I was wondering how many others have heard of this new digital format
> > that is scheduled to begin marketing later this
> > year(www.dataplay.com)? I read an article today that indicated that it
> > was going to involve a disc that kind of appears to be like a
> > minidisc, but about the size of a quarter. The disc is supposed to be
> > used in multiple applications(audio, video, ebooks, etc.)and suposedly
> > holds 5 hours of "CD quality" sound on one disc. There are supposed to
> > be blanks that are recordable, but one time only. several major
> > players in the music industry are supposed to be backing this as a new
> > format for pre-recorded music, also. It sounds like a cross between
> > MP3 and MD. I don't know what the technology is that allows for this
> > much data to be stored on the disc.
> I think they're using different color lasers along with compression. blue
> lasers have a shorter warelength, and as such, they can read sectors that
> are closer to each other than red lasers (which most cd/dvd players use).
> Blue lasers are more expensive than red and I think that's limited their
> use.
> My lover told me something about this exact thing a while back. I think I
> remember something about them having 500meg of space.
> > Obviously, if this is successful, it is a threat to MD as an ongoing
> > format. I'm concerned because, at least from what I've been able to
> > ascertain, it will not have the flexibility in terms of editing and
> > reuse that MDs have. I'm also wondering about sound quality.
> I don't think we need to worry. Obviously, other digital/optical formats
> are going to be out there as we move into the future, but MD has been
> around for too long. And MD is not one-time record, let's not forget that.
> Still, this new stuff is a cool thing. I have a feeling they'll make some
> kind of portable thing for kids with it. Toys, or maybe players targeted
> to the teen market.
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