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i saw a hack site for hd replacement somewhere, it pretty much voids all
warrenties if you do this, but if you drop it and ruine it, that's not a big
deal.  anyway seems like a waste to me still, i can purchase this, then buy
a laptop hd, or i can buy a nice md recordable and about a gazillion blank
md's (both of which i already have)  anyway the price still is high on em,
i cant record, and sound still sux.  so to me it's not an option, i'd rather
take an icepick to my eardrums than listen to another 128 mp3 with clicks
every 1/2 second.  ok, i just dont like mp3 encoding, if you wanna encode
your music library, use the atrac codec that is out there or some loseless
compression that is available.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Serious contender for MD

> "Churchill, Guy" wrote:
> >
> > Shawn Lin wrote:
> >
> > > Laptop HD-based MP3 players are nothing new.
> > > Here's one that's rather popular with MP3'ers right now...
> > >
> > > http://www.nomadworld.com/welcome.asp
> >
> > The Nomads are 6Gb too ... but is this replaceable ?
> > The Nomad is kinda large (more like a portable CD player)
> > Do the Nomads have the ability to act as a portable HDD (for
> > any file type?)
> > I do like the ability to record WAV uncompressed at 48Khz .. Nice.
> Replaceable, yes.  Not sure if this is easy or not, I didn't bother
> downloading instructions since I don't have one.  The info on doing the
> upgrade is available here:
> http://www.nomadjukebox.net/
> I have no idea if they can act as a portable HDD or not.  I would think
> yes, but just guessing here.
> > The bottom line is MD is getting swamped with all these other
> > new technologies and unless they stay on the ball and start
> > adding professional and consumer use requirements (like faster
> > then real time transfers) I believe it will go the way of the
> > dodo (or should I say the Tassie Tiger which there is a "small"
> > amount of hearsay evidence that it may not be extinct just yet).
> >
> > How many others are starting to feel this way ?
> I completely agree.  MD has already become stagnant.  Sony needs to do
> something.
> Many companies have dropped MD completely, and I'm sure others will
> follow if sales don't improve soon.
> > Funny part is, if Sony had been listening to it's early adopters
> > (like the good subscribers to mdl) then they would have had
> > the jump on all these new technologies and truly cemented
> > MD's place in history like Vinyl, Compact Cassette and CD (now DVD)
> > and not considered by the next generation to be just another DCC,
> > DAT, LD, or BETA  (all of which have their use, but in the "general
> > public's" view are dead and buried formats).
> Very true, I have been suggesting better MP3 to MD integration from the
> beginning, well before the first portable MP3 player ever came out.
> > PS:  I recently came across some old video cassettes that I don't
> > know the history of .. they are huge (50% larger then VHS and
> > really thick) I've never seen a player that can play them ...
> > anyone know something about these?
> I've only heard of 3/4 U-MATIC cassettes and something Sony had called
> El-Cassette.  I don't remember if El-cassette was audio or video.  Could
> it be one of these?
> Shawn
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