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Well, I stay off the computer for a week, and when I come back theres a war.

There are many points which have been risen by the people on this list, but
what they have failed to mention is the huge differences between the way a
company works and the way a consumer wants a company to work. Sure, you may
want to see MD Data2 to kill off the Zip and CD-RW and whatever, but it aint
gonna happen, seen as though the record industry will get in the way on

What makes me mad is how that supposedly, MP3's are gonna take over the
world, and that MD's are dead. Sure they are, about the time that pigs
become aircraft pilots. MP3's have a flaw that still has to be raised,
they're a computer based format, and as every format before it, you will
have to change your collection in about 2 years time to AAC or VQF or WMA,
or even worse SDMI compliant rubbish, so that everything is in keeping with
the music industry. As the music industries strangle hold tightens on what
companies can and can't do, soon programs like WinAmp, Sonique etc, will
only be able to play certain types of files, and there may be players around
that will play the existing types, the consumers will not buy into it,
simply because it doesnt say anything thats relitavely big in the market
share. Think, MP3's near enough don't exist anymore, they are now called
"Files Off Napster", I have yet to see anyone who's on the TV refer to them
as MP3's, only as the files off napster.

The worst thing I have seen so far though on this group in this thread is
the ignorance of the Americans, saying that MD has never took off, and never
will. Correction, it has, look over the borders and seas and you will see a
huge MiniDisc sign emblazoned on the edges of Japan (well, maybe not), and
here in the UK, MiniDisc players are almost swamping our school (yes, I
know, its a small base of the population, and in the target group for MD's),
I have one of course, in fact I probably have the most MD equipment round
this area, although it aint a cert, I know 2 people with em, and have seen
about 5 or 6 other people with em (doesn't sound much, but with the threat
of confiscation of portable stuff, its an invasion). In Japan, i've heard
they have near enough replaced CD's (may be wrong, but thats what I heard).

One thing though, the MD's days are numbered, I will agree with that, but
thats not thru the fault of Sony, or anyone, its the lifespan of formats, to
put it simply. CD's have lasted about 15-20 years, and while still immensly
popular, I fear that the arrival of DVD-A and SACD will soon bring the boat
home on the CD generation, and although MD's have never achieved the immense
popularity of CD's, soon there will be another recordable format, maybe
minature CD's, maybe Solid State, or maybe just DVD-RW will take off, I
don't know yet. All I do know is that I love the format, and will probably
still have MD players in 10 years time, whether it will still be used as
mainstream equipment for me, or simply in a shrine :) Every format has their
time, short or long, but every format will undoubtedly have a final resting
place, and possibly not in the too distant future.

Peace all, god speed.

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"

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