>I've been thinking about getting hold of a notebook, and as a lot of you
>will no doubt have experience with Sony products I wondered if anyone here
>had any opinions on Vaios (especially the high-end FX10*s).

My experince with Vios (never been stupid enough to buy one myself, but I 
have sold them, and I have friends who have bought them) proves only that 
they are fragile crap.

I'm a big fan of Sony's design, and inovation, (I *love* my MZR90, and my 
old D66) but the reliability of many of their products is just terrible. The 
Vaios are probably more famous for this than any other product they have 
ever made, even my DEJ815  diskman which I have replaced 3 times, or the 
original Sony Playstations in which the drives just died like flies at 
random. If you called Sony about the problem they would tell you to flip the 
unit upside down to fix the skipping. How lame is that?

One of the original model Vaios (two or three years ago) had to be totally 
recalled because the falier rate was so high. They will obviously sacrifice 
*anything* as long as the unit is thin as paper and looks cool. In the end 
though you may have only a cool looking piece of paper. There was a letter 
in an issue of T3 last year about a guy (who was, and still is a big Sony 
fan) who had problems with Sony customer serice that would reduce most 
people to violence. They actually *lost* his machine while reparing it and 
refused to replace it (!), how he can still be a Sony fan is beyond me.

I'm sure there will be many people here who will say how they have had tons 
of Sony products with no problems but in advance I will say that I doubt 
either the amount of experience they have actually had with Sony stuff, or 
thier definition of "problem".

For a better product all around, go here:


There uses to be a direct comparison to a Vaio here, but I don't know if 
it's still there.

Most people are either too busy sucking Bill Gates, or to chicken to buy a 
Mac anymore, but virtually no one that does buy one regrets it.

>To tie it to MD somewhat, it appears that there's a control panel or 
>in Sony's provided software to do MD recording... anyone know anything 

That would be cool, but unless there are some really nice Text Transfer 
options I don't see how it could be that great. A digital out is a digital 
out, and any software it has can be substituted. It's not worth $3000 just 
to edit MDs, at least not to me, and if it was I'd buy something else to do 
it with.

I see buying Sony stuff as a crap shoot really, which is fine with a $200 MD 
recorder, but I'm just not rich, or stupid enough to gamble the price of a 
high end laptop on Sony's terrible odds, especialy since it seems that often 
it's their more expensive stuff, not the cheap stuff, that is more fragile.

Chad Gombosi
Member SCP www.scponline.net
Chad's Game Music Page www.chadsgamemusic.com
MP3.com page: www.mp3.com/signofzeta

"Let me explain a couple of things. Time is short. That's the
first thing. For the weasel, Time is a weasel. For the hero,
Time is heroic. For the whore, Time is just another trick.
If you're gentle, your Time is gentle. If you're in a hurry,
Time flies. Time is a servant, if you are its master. Time
is your god, if you are its dog. We are the creators of Time,
the victims of Time, and the killers of Time. Time is timeless.
That's the second thing. You are the clock, Cassiel."

Emit - Far Away So Close

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