
just to add my two cents to the pc vs mac controversy:

>The simple truth is that people are
>comfortable with what they learned, and change will almost always be met 
>with resistance, especially in the beginning.

useability is a big question with us on this list. to the newbie, discussion 
about soundcards, editing tools, and PC hardware for recording is VERY 
intimidating. been there myself. still there, actually.

now, as a recovering useability engineer, i remember my 'human factors' 
colleagues often talked about the anecdotal position that mac was 'easier to 
use' than windows. studies were eventually performed by numerous sources to 
measure the useability of both. and believe it or not (and this is 
documented by several highly regarded sources such as jared spool, SIP, 
etc.) that A.) windows/PC was easier to learn, and B.) PC users had a 
tougher time switching to mac than vice versa.

it appears that these useability studies found that the man on the street 
favors windows/PCs. that's what i read into this. you read what you want 
into it.

note: dont blast me--in life, i tend to prefer mavericks, iconoclasts, and 
underdogs in the worlds of computing and music. for that reason i used to 
prefer mac. i LOVE the anti-microsoft sites! but believe me--apple has 
evolved to be no less immune to marketing gimmickry, bottom-line 
orientation, and (gasp!) profit-motivated than most intel companies these 
days. if you want to tilt at windmills, id suggest migrating to linux. that 
is, if you are prepared to go through a MUCH steeper learning curve than 
either of the above.

by the way--speaking of useability; i STILL think sharp's 702/722 user 
interface is easier to navigate than sony's R55 interface. and documentation 
is a big problem with both.


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