Heiko asked ...

| how to clone a 74mins MD to a 80mins MD.. i don't know how to get in
| service/test mode of the mds-pc2 or mz-r55...
| anyone can help me out?

Good luck; you may have to get a hold of a service manual to find out how to
get into test or service mode, and even then the unit might not be able to
clone TOCs.

| also i got a problem. everytime i send a mail to this list with outlook
| express then the email is on the package, but empty. so strange. noone of
| you can read it proper and resulting : i get no answer.

You must have Outlook Express set to send mail in HTML instead of plain
This list is set to accept only single-part posts.  Fix your Outlook Express
options.  As you can see from this post, it certainly is possible to post to
MD-L using Outlook Express.

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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