Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> No, it didn't.  DVD-Video went nowhere for three or four years before it
> ramped up.  From a point about two years ago, DVD-Video has grown rapidly,
> but at a steadilly increasing rate.

But you were the one that made a statement last year when I mentioned how large
the growth of DVDs were (I think I said they caught on much faster than CDs),
something to the affect, "try CDs, Cassettes and VHS" or something like that.

The only thing that I can say with certainty is that for a while CDs looked like
they might not ever take off.  It took quite a few years.  I personally felt
strongly that they where going to make it.

I remember going into a large record chain store in the mall which had a small
selection of CDs and saying to the young fellow working there, "I'll bet some day
all of these [pointing to the rows and rows of records] will be CDs.  He agreed
with me.

But it still took quite a few years before anything even close to that happened.

DVDs may have been around for a while, but it seems like there was no big push.
Then all of a sudden, it seems to me like within the last year (at least with in
my area) they started selling like crazy.

Once the players started going below $175 (USD) and the DVDs went from $25.00 to
$19.99 or less.  The penny trick always seems to work.

"Vinyl purists" can argue the virtues of records over CDs, but there simply is no
one who is honest that will not admit DVDs look much better than VHS tapes.  When
someone like my wife notices the difference (immediately at that!!) then anyone
will notice the improvement.


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