Ivica Petrovic wrote:

> the fact is: CDs are sounding awful! I spent most of the time with my audio
> gears trying to "minimize" CDs "impressive" numbers and its shrieking
> character; who the hell is need such a things like 150 dB dynamics, signal
> nose ratio of 130 db and so on....its dynamic and clarity is
> overentusiastic, as well as many CDs so called virtues, and at the same time
> it sounded flat! The best sounding environment to listening CDs is in the
> cars, or on some cheap boxes incapable of playing loud and clear. CD is so
> unnatural
> way of reproducing music to the level when things only getting worse with a
> more expensive Hi-Fi.  try to understand what I'd like to say: MDs, with all
> of its "disadvantages" are sounding more relaxed, quieter, calmer
> etc.....

I'm sorry, I just can't buy any of that.  You have to put things in
perspective.  Have you forgotten about tape hiss?  The clicks and pops of
records?  Their limited frequency response?

Tapes sound muddy too!  Saying that CDs sound awful doesn't make it factual.  At
least not compared to the alternatives.

And how can an MD copied from a CD sound better than the CD, if I read what you
said correctly?  The models used to improve ATRAC were not designed to create
"better" recordings than CDs.  They were designed to minimize the difference.

I can't even listen to cassettes, they sound so bad to me.  When I go back and
put on a vinyl record, I realize just how bad they actually sounded.  If CDs
have a "hard edge" blame the recording producer, not the medium.

What sounds good is all relative.  How many times have I been stuck at a light
and a car pulls up next to me where the bass is so strong and the volume should
that it actually causes my car to shake!

But to those dudes in that car it is heaven.


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