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Theres such thing as buying a cd full, lending cd's full, downloading with
broadband, its something that happens quite often, I know, I have done the
first two very often, although i dont anymore, no one has anything I like,
Iced Earth and Pantera dont seem to do well over here anyway.

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Frakes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: MD: . MD-Sony complaints

> >Which was exactly my arguement, availability, thats why MiniDisc's
> >aren't as popular as CD's, prerecorded ones are in the majority hard
> >to find, and you find an average consumer who wants to wait up to 80
> >minutes to listen to some music on their portable.
> Um... do MP3's just magically appear out of thin air? ;)
> Seriously, though. You still have to rip/encode MP3s at some point, then
> transfer them. Not "real-time" but definitely not a trivial undertaking.
> (That said, there are 4x CD-MD recorders which basically eliminate the
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