> Um... do MP3's just magically appear out of thin air? ;)

Sh!t Yeah ... we all *know* MP3's are free music put out by the 
record companies. <grin>

> Seriously, though. You still have to rip/encode MP3s at some point, then 
> transfer them. Not "real-time" but definitely not a trivial undertaking.
> (That said, there are 4x CD-MD recorders which basically eliminate the 

Actually with Audiograbber you can rip directly from the CD and encode
on the fly.  With a P4 this takes about 10-15 minutes, using my 12X
CD-RW 8 odd minutes to burn a full CD or about 2 minutes to burn 
1 album of MP3's (slightly slower if onto CDRW at 10X - when you can find
10X CDRW's).  It's so much simpler then the early days and command line
ripping and mp3 encoding (who remembers those times?).

MD's biggest error was not to allow faster then real time transfers,
even DCC had a computer link so you could dump raw DDC data to
PC (the DCC-175 I "think" was the model) - they had software to play it
back.  Even if there was a physical MD limit due to the need to apply
heat at the correct temperature for recording ... 2X-4X transfer would
have been better then nothing.  I know there is a CD-MD deck, but I'm
talking MD to MD, MD to PC or PC to MD.  Gimme a USB port on all MD
portables and decks ... then watch the MD take off.

Cheers   GuyC

PS:  My opening line ... I *was* kidding.  

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