From: "Stuart Howlette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It doesn't have it over CD in every other area at all, in Europe it is still
> just a cool toy for most people, where CD's are the norm, the only place I
> know of it being bigger than CD is in Japan. And do you wanna know the
> reason MD's didn't take over CD's much? CD's had a 10 year head start....

I dont know which part of europe you are from but in the UK,
minidisc has a general acceptance now amongst most people to
the point that it is a mainstream recording format.  Be it
Dixons (a nationwide general electronics retailer), or more
specialist hi-fi stores, you will find minidisc at least on
a par with cassettes for shelf space.  Even in music stores
where two years ago they would have only CDs and cassettes,
I see increasing numbers of pre-recorded MD's available to
the point where it now about equals tapes.  And the fact
those same stores stock a variety of brands (yeah I know) of
blank minidiscs says something for their demand.

Many peeps I know had bought into minidisc before I met them,
I wonder which part of europe this is where minidisc is just
a cool toy.


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