Dude...you read into things too much...

So what I didnt mention high speed in the first sentence I followed the
sentence with an example of the Sony deck that does it...

Besides my reply was to say that instead of going with USB for high speed
use Firewire...


PS I know there will be yet another reply pointing out mistakes or something
of that sort....its because you guys read into things....though everytime
that happens there seems to be great deal of knowledge uncovered :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuart Howlette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Recording speeds

> > | But two companies producing it does not mean its THE standard for a/v
> > | components does it, as there are more than two companies on the face
> the
> > | planet, so the tense wasn't incorrect
> >
> > (And people are complaining about me being disagreeable :).
> >
> > Truth is, there is only one spec for this sort of thing: IEEE 1394.  So
> > yes, it is the (only) standard for high speed a/v data interconnect.
> > it Firewire, call it iLink, call it IEEE 1394, it is the standard and
> > been that for 3+ years.  What is happening now is growing acceptance and
> > adoption of that standard in the consumer a/v sector.
> > --
> > Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    \ Happy Fun Ball contains a liquid
> > Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ which, if exposed due to rupture,
> should
> > PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ not be touched, inhaled, or looked
> at.
> >
> The original mail said this
> "A firewire solution would be better off since it is becoming the standard
> for a/v components that offer pc connectivity."
> Not a mention of high speed, so wouldn't that mean S/PDIF, AES/EBU, TTL,
> MD Deck PC IR controllers, the MDS-PCx controllers, even Line Out is PC
> connectivity, which works with most a/v equipment, so FireWire is not THE
> standard, its A standard
> Stuart Howlette
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