|how does it look?

If you can round up a copy of SIGHT AND SOUND from December
2000--maybe in a library--it's reviewed in that issue. It's gold, and
it's about the size of a standard VCR.

|will it play on every dvd player??

No. The manufacturers all swear that future DVD players will take into
account various formats, but right now it's like the situation with
CDRs and CD/RWs. Early CD players would balk at playing them, whereas
the newer machines are now touted as compatible with CDR/RW, and in
some cases even MP3.


|DVD-RAM is a phase-change dual medium, similar to CD-RW.  ECMA-272 and
|ECMA-273 define the standard.  It uses some MO tech, but it really isn't
|much like MD at all.  All of the writable and rewritable DVD media formats
|are phase-change or phase-change dual.
- -- 
|Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    \ If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get
|Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ away immediately. Seek shelter and cover
|PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ head.

Actually, I should have said DVD-RAM "behaves" like MD in terms of
what can be done in the editing phase. I'm not enough of a techie to
go into the finer points of how the system operates from an
engineering standpoint. If you want to delete a track and regain
recording time, you can do it. If you want to title a disc, you can do
it. If you want to title a track, you can do it. If you want to
rearrange the play order, you can do it. In that sense, it's like MD. 

Jim Resinger

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