"Eric Woudenberg, Minidisc.org Editor" wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Sony has announced "Net MD" which will allow you to encode ATRAC or
> ATRAC3 files on PC and download them at high speed via USB to MD.

This sounds exciting.  I wish that the article had included a little more information.
This shows Sony's continued support and confidence in the Mini Disc format.  Sony loves
to try new formats that are proprietary, but are often rejected by the public.

I'm interested in seeing how Sony's "Stick" (just static RAM in an incompatible
shell).  Sony tried to push it's own proprietary digital camcorders, but quickly jumped
on the mini DV wagon when they saw that was the format that was catching on the best
(and supposedly, is the highest quality of the consumer camcorder formats).

In the early 80's who would have thought that someday Sony would be manufacturing VHS
VCRs and tapes?


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