Stuart Howlette wrote:

> Well, I have got 3 of these types of cards in the house (two are on
> motherboards, but ah well) so i'll do my best

> Its is 44.1khz, not 48 as outputted by the SB Live series

Thats good :)

> Depends in what way you mean. If you are meaning monitoring whats coming in,
> then yes, this is possible, but if you mean playing something different from
> what you are recording, I am not sure.

I have done it with an SB live in analog - basically,. record from the
linein, into the winamp "Linein://" plugin, where it gets DSP'd by the
plugins, and then "played" to the line out. This was fine. When I was
trying to use 2 different cards (analog or digital) then I got it
skipping slightly every 5 mins or so. It was very very slight, but
enough to notice

No surprice, that tempo altering DSP's dont work, but anything like EQ,
compression, Lyric removal etc works just fine like this, if the in and
the out are clocked together.

I think I was lucky to get as close as I did over the 2 sound cards as I
have one card here (yamaha YMF724) that is fully 3% too fast on playback

>  Which
> > clock is used for the output, the one its getting from the optical in,
> > or the internal one?
> >
> I believe it is the internal one

Damn consumer gear.
> > I'm looking for a card that I can have a machine dedicated to running
> > winamp DSP plugins from linein-lineout - all attempts so far have come
> > unstuck with the sources being clocked differently, I get skips
> > occasionally.
> I dont think its the clock thats skipping it, its the way that Windows runs
> its audio. You are likely to get skips in it when running windows, so unless
> you have tried this with a different OS, i believe that is what is causing
> the skips

> Now, dont take this as gospel, its from experience with card hands-on and
> also reading a bit about it, I would still check the card out yourself
> thought to make sure.

They are cheap enough I might as well just for the 5.1 output that they
offer :)
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