I've recently had a look at some pictures of the MZ-R909 (on the Yahoo!
MiniDisc Club http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/minidiscclub), and I dont know
whether its just some mocked up photos of a real product, or the whole thing
is mocked up, simply because on the pictures, the remote is in the same
place, miniplug for the earphones is in the same place, and the display
shows EXACTLY the same thing on 4 different pictures, the group text doesn't
look quite right (super imposed, "cleaner" than the rest of the text) and
the SONY name also looks superimposed. I have only brought this to your
attention because of the plethora of people saying they are waiting for the
909. Just wondering if anyone has asked sony about this yet, if not, then I

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"
This is from a chat i had with someone a while ago (and this was him being
"NoNaMeR 2KuK: say we dont need computers
NoNaMeR 2KuK: we could use cheese instead "
For more from this chat, visit

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