Are there players besides the expensive Sony 900 that have independently
adjustable bass and treble, or even more adjustable equalization?

I'm actually interested in all portable players.
o  My CD player with 3-band EQ and non-wimpy output Rocks.
o  The Rio Volt has EQ but it's disconnected when you turn the volume past
50%, which is all the time, because this unit's amp chip is the weakest I have
ever heard.
o  My tape player had a 4-band EQ, which I loved.

I am ideally looking for players that have high output power and reliable
separate bass and treble controls that are not "intelligently" removed when
you turn up the volume.  Pet peeve: extending battery life by strangling the
amplifier or eq.  My old MD player eats batteries in mass quantities, but
rocks the hell out of today's 5mW-per-channel players.

I eagerly await the 2-9volt powered headphone amp with volume, bass, and
treble knobs, for moderately mobile use.  I may put together a headphone amp
page or EQ playback technique page later.  I consider manual EQ to be the
greatest key to getting better portable playback sound.  Some headphones, with
some songs, in some situations happen to sound pretty well balanced in
bass/mid/treble, but many other combinations would benefit from greater
control than just bass-boost on/off.

If you can suggest how to search for such discussion in the archives, that
would help.

-- Michael Hoffman

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