Comments below.

Mike Lastucka, B. Tech
2048 bit DH 0x16DC15CD

>Mike Lastucka wrote:
> >The left bud's cord is shorter than the right.
>It seems that there may be *several* variants.

Figures. :)

>That description sounds like they seal and block sound far better than
>earbuds.  Now that I have found earbuds I like pretty well, the main 
>is lack of blocking background noise.  Even earbuds with perfect frequency
>response would be useless against this problem.  I don't like loud music 
>loud passages, but I want to hear the music much more than the background

Yes, they have a silicone bud that when pushed into the canal, forms a veyr 
good seal (there are small vents to make sure your ears don't start bleeding 
when you put in a techno MD or something).

These things DEFINITELY get rid of that outside noise.  Again, the trick is 
to lower the volume of the player so you don't damage your ears, because I 
can could see that being a very easy thing to do if you have very loud 

>Mike Lastucka wrote:
> >I'd like a little more high-end [that is, treble], but a simple adjust of 
>MD unit's treble level fixed that.
>Do you have a Sony 900?  They have separate bass and treble, as all players
>should.  Are there other players with independently adjustable bass and

I assume a lot of them must have some sort of level control, it's a very 
handy feature.  Yes I have an R900.  I love the R900's ability to save audio 
prefs on a disc-by-disc basis.  Lets me tweak my MDs with recorded MP3s on 
them so they sound pretty close to how a digital cd recording would.  
Excellent player/recorder, the R900.  Expensive, but worth it.

> >Personally, I LOVE my pair of ex's.  They sound fantastic, especially 
>walking around a downtown area, because they really block the ambient 
>Also great for work.
>I have the Koss in-ear buds and give them a rating of 4/10.  They don't 
>in my ears, are difficult to insert.  Frequency response seems flat.

The trick with the EX's is that for some people your ear canal size falls 
somewhere in between the three buds that it comes with, so there are 
individuals who just plain can't use them.  Luckily mine work great with the 
normal pair of earbuds (they have a larger one for like freakin' elephants, 
and a smaller one for little people).  Once in, you hardly notice them 
because they're so damn comfy.  They're the most comfortable buds I've ever 

Another thing is you can't just have them pull one out of the box and let 
you try them, essentially for sanitary reasons.  It's a pretty penny to drop 
on earbuds, but I LOVE mine, and whenever I play my MD for someone they're 
always in awe of the buds as well as the player.

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