Well, despite not being in the "game" for very long (only really since
christmas), I have racked up quite a bit of MD equipment (JE640, MS701 that
stuffed it, MZR900, MD-C2H), and enjoy every aspect of it.

I mainly used MiniDiscs for on my laborious walks to school everyday, but
seen as though its the summer holidays at the moment, I just use it to drift
away in my bedroom to. I have, though, recently been getting back into CD's,
seen as though I bought a lot of em a few weeks ago, and didn't want to
waste my money by putting them on another format, but if I have a disc on
both CD and MD, its highly likely I will use my MD, simply cos I love em.
Tell ya what though, the 900 amazed me recently, I went on holiday to
florida, and after 2 flights and a hotel room with nothing to do except
listen to MD's and watch tv, the battery was half full, and I'd made a
compilation of Monty Python stuff in LP4 and still couldn't strip this thing
of juice.

Basically, I use MD's on any reasonably long period of time outside the
house where commuting is needed (including walking), and also just to drift
away to the sounds of Tool and the Eagles (hehe, nice mix dont ya think?)

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"
This is from a chat i had with someone a while ago (and this was him being
"NoNaMeR 2KuK: say we dont need computers
NoNaMeR 2KuK: we could use cheese instead "
For more from this chat, visit

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