Mike Lastucka wrote:

>   But synchro rec ONLY works with digital sources, not analog
> ones.  It says so in the manual.

I was going to suggest that, but I thought to myself, "it's always possible that
they came out with some new technology I am unaware of".

I may not be using the correct terminology, but digital audio recordings have a
timing code that can be read by digital recording devices.  If you ever look at
the time passing when you record from a digital source using syncro edit, you
will notice that both the player and recorder display the exact same time.

I suppose that you could sync an analog recording, but it would not be
completely accurate.  That's the beauty of using a digital link.  It's not just
that the sound quality may be better, but you can get a bit by bit copy (if you
are not using any compression).


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