Bill Crawford wrote:

> I've had my 'R3 for a little over two years, and until very recently it's
> been
> a real trouper.  Of course, everything dies...
> As of now, it has some problems reading the occasional disc.  The real
> problem, though, is that it displays 'TOC W ERROR' whenever actually
> trying to do any sort of TOC change on an MD--according to the user's
> manual, this indicates that it's a service-level problem.  Anybody got any
> idea as to roughly what might be wrong--or, more importantly, how much
> getting it repaired might cost?  I'm thinking it might be time to replace
> it,
> if it's too costly...

It really doesn't pay to put any money into the R3.  It was released 6 years
ago and improvements in ATRAC have come along way since then.

If you don't want to wait to see what happens with Net MD, depending upon your
budget, for between $200 and $250 you can buy a Sony R700.  It is an MDLP
unit.  They just released the 909 which uses the most advanced DSP that Sony
offers in portables, Type R.  But I expect the price to be high for a while.

If you use your unit a lot and it is the only portable you have, waiting for
Net MD (which may never happen for all we know) isn't practical.  The R900 is
a nice unit and it's price may be dropping now that they have released the


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