Hi Thea,

I'm replying also to the MD mailing list.

"Thea Tyvold" writes:

>Listen, I just dont get this minidisc thing. Could you please sort it all 
>out for me in a clear and simple way? 

In terms of function, think of Minidisc as a cross between CD and
cassette. Like cassette you can record from any audio source and
playback through headphones or a home HiFi. Like CD the audio is
stored digitally, the sound quality is excellent, and you can easily
skip to your favorite track. Unlike either CD or cassette you can edit
the recorded audio to your heart's content, dividing it into tracks,
naming tracks and moving them around, and deleting what you no longer

But until Sony's NetMD capable equipment starts showing up (see
http://www.sony.co.jp/en/SonyInfo/News/Press/200106/01-037E/), the
only route onto or off of a Minidisc is through realtime recording and
playback (except for the high-speed CD/MD decks, see
http://www.minidisc.org/cdmd_deck_table.html). You can't get at the
compressed audio directly from a computer. This is the biggest
functional difference between MD and computer connected MP3 players
and CD-R burners.

>I need to know if I should get a minidisc-player,

This you can only sort out for yourself, see question 2 of the newbie
FAQ (http://www.minidisc.org/very_faq.html#buywhat)

>is minidisc on its way in or out, 

Minidisc seems to have hit the world more like an incoming tide than a
tidal wave. Minidisc equipment sales continue to rise year after year,
and MD gear is quite popular in Japan and Europe. The US has taken to
MD more slowly, but sales still do increase every year, and you can
find MD gear in some very common places (Target, Sears, etc.). And
finally, MD equipment has reached a staggering level of maturity. The
latest portable MD recorders from Sony (MZ-R909) and Sharp (MD-MT770)
will knock your socks off in terms of form, function and battery life.

>how can I record music to minidisc, where can I buy minidiscs for
>recording.....and so on.......

Please see newbie FAQ (http://www.minidisc.org/very_faq.html) and the
purchasing page (http://www.minidisc.org/purchasing.html). 

Best of luck,

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