A week of so ago we were having this continuous debate about mini discs not
being computer intelligent.

Many people made the point that it was wrong to argue that not being literate
with the PC (or Mac) is short fall of MD because it was not designed to do that.

I think that Michael made the following over site when he tried to argue about
MD and PCs not being able to "talk" to each other.  Historically the fact is
that the general public has not embraced the concept of combining the PC with
the home "entertainment center".

Both Toshiba and Gateway tried to market integrated systems.  Gateway had a
TV/computer monitor, receiver, speakers, wireless keyboard and mouse, etc. to
melt the PC to the "home entertainment center".  But this product was a
failure!!  It would be simple to make combo TV/computer monitors in say 32" and
have a sound card designed with not only the standard "Sound Blaster" compatible
elements, but the advanced circuitry of the preamp section of a decent AV

Have everything connect to a power amp and the TV.  But that really isn't what
the public wants.  For what ever the reason they want to keep their Hi Fi/Video
system separate from their computer.  That's why you see all of those crappy
speaker systems designed specifically for a computer.

Sound Blaster makes a set up that has a preamp/ amp. control center, 5 or 6
separate crappy speakers and crappy little stands for the rear speakers.  And
people buy crap like this (usually even crappier) to keep their computer
separate from their hi fi system.

I'm not sure why people would want to watch a movie an a 19" computer monitor
(which is really only a 17" TV) when they have a 36" Sony Vega sitting 15 feet
away??  And several thousand dollars of hi fi equipment with a dedicated DVD
player to top it off.

They could probably even make an MD ROM drive with a special PCI card which
would act as the CPU and DSP for the drive.  But that's not what people want.
As far as titling goes, which would be easier if the MD was connected to a PC,
except for die hard MDers, it doesn't seem like most people really care about
titling.  I don't see any huge popularity for CDs that have the titles on them.


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