Not sure whether Mr. Ruppe is a member, so I'm carboning his own address ...
and he gave two, I'm carboning both.

David Ruppe asked (in Nick Perry's care),

| Could you help me do that or otherwise point me to
| someone who could help me with a problem with my MZ-B3.

| I suspect I'm screwed, but while I was taping for about 15 minutes my
| rechargable batteries almost instantaneously lost power and the recorder
| clicked off. Trying to access my recording, the machine reads: black disc.
| Again, I suspect I'm screwed, but is there some way to access that
| information nonetheless? Is it on the disc and somehow accessible? Do I
| an FBI lab to recover it?

Depending on how well the B3 behaved while it was losing power, you probably
are not out of luck at all.  Sometimes portable recorders don't lay down
data well while they're on the verge of losing power and there are raw spots
left on the disc, but if that didn't happen, or if you were reusing a part
of the disc that had been recorded on before, the data should be

If you have access to a Sony deck (other than the MDS-JE500, JE510, or
JE320) or to a Sharp MD-MS7xx slot-in portable, you can clone the TOC of a
full disc onto your affected disc by the instructions on the MDCP under the
Hacking link.

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