This e-mail is not meant to offend anyone. It is just a general observation.

> On the plus side, I've noticed more and more low end units in stores like
> Sears, Circuit City and others. Of course, those stores never even carry
> good stuff anyway. I wonder if that trend has anything to do with the lack
> of availability?

The US market is generally quite a bit slower to adopt certain technologies,
where as in Europe, and even here in South Africa, newer technologies get
phased in much quicker. One example is mobile phones. Some cell networks in
the States are still analogue, but in Europe and the rest of the world,
people are already past ordinary digital, and moving towards GPRS networks.
Phones also get released later in the US than in the rest of the world
(sometimes) e.g. The nokia 9210. In South Africa and in Europe it is already
available, but not in the Us (officially). MD is just one more thing. On an
other note, they are more quick to adapt other technologies, like broadband
internet connections. Generally when it comes to HIGH end sound equipment,
or speciality audio equipment, the US is lacking. Also stuff like PDA's are
behind in the states.

This e-mail is not meant to offend anyone.


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